British Time

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    English Speaking Courses

    English Speaking Courses

    English Speaking Courses One of the most important things today is undoubtedly knowing a foreign language; even the “ENGLISH” language , which is valid all over the world ” is to be able to understand and speak. It is certain that it has many effects on a better educational life, a better job opportunity, career advancement, being […]

    Kadıköy English Language Courses

    Kadıköy English Language Courses

    Kadıköy English Language Courses The importance of English, which is everywhere in our lives, begins to be felt from the first steps we take in our careers after our academic process, as well as our education life. Job applications are usually concluded not so much by your rank in school or which university you graduated […]

    Mecidiyekoy English Language Courses

    Mecidiyekoy English Language Courses

    Mecidiyekoy English Language Courses The importance of a foreign language is an undeniable fact today. When considering many factors such as education, social environment, access to foreign sources of information and career advancement, English plays a significant role in raising the standards of our lives. Where is the only address to have a foreign language […]

    Bakirkoy English Language Courses

    Bakirkoy English Language Courses

    Bakirkoy English Language Courses English is used as the language of international communication today. The most important benefit of learning English is that it allows you to climb career ladders faster, reach a more important position, bring your standards to a better level and expand your horizons and vision. And the right address to learn […]

    Avcilar English Language Courses

    Avcilar English Language Courses

    Avcilar English Language Courses In today’s conditions, English is no longer a hobby and has become a NECESSITY. Because the world does not stand still and continues to develop with all living things on it day by day. These developments in all areas have also been reflected in languages ​​and cultures, and this circulation of […]

    Istanbul English Courses

    Istanbul English Courses

    Istanbul English Courses There are many foreign language courses and language schools that provide foreign language education in Istanbul, one of the most developed metropolitan cities of our country. The increasing need for foreign languages ​​​​every day has been the biggest factor in the expansion of the sector. However, when it comes to institutions that […]

    General English Education and Levels

    General English Education and Levels

    General English Education and Levels At British Time English Language Schools, general English education consists of 5 basic levels: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced. Each level in general English education is completed with 100 lesson hours. In BRITISH TIME, education, visual and auditory (SMART BOARD) technical equipment and various additional materials suitable for […]

    English course

    English course

    English course In order to keep up with the globalization era where information, human resources, products and services are circulating rapidly and to follow innovations, it is now a necessity to have command of a common language. From technology to industry, tourism to finance, diplomacy to science, art and media, the main language of all […]

    English Private Lessons

    English Private Lessons

    English Private Lessons In times when the busy work schedule does not fit the hours of general English programs or in English private lessons prepared for a person’s specific language needs, the first priority is to create a study program in line with the student’s request. In private lessons, a target-oriented program is created after […]

    The Best Quality English Course

    The Best Quality English Course

    The Best Quality English Course For a student who wants to get an education in a better school, a scientist who wants to reach a wider audience, an investor who wants to do international trade, a professional who wants to advance in their career, in short, for everyone who wants to communicate more interactively with […]
