British Time

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    BRITISH TIME English Language Levels and Descriptions

    Elementary Level (Beginner)

    Description: Students at this level can answer basic questions related to their jobs. They can form simple sentences and understand certain phrases to a limited extent. They can obtain a person’s name, simple message, and phone number over the phone.

    Key Skills:

    • Basic vocabulary and grammar
    • Simple sentence construction
    • Limited comprehension of spoken and written English
    • Ability to communicate basic needs

    Pre-Intermediate Level (Pre-Intermediate)

    Description: Students at this level are able to communicate in English with both native and non-native speakers. They can understand signs, warnings, guidebooks, simple newspaper and magazine articles, and personal letters. They can ask and answer questions about basic topics related to travel, work colleagues, and family.

    Key Skills:

    • Expanded vocabulary and grammar
    • Improved comprehension of spoken and written English
    • Ability to communicate in a variety of everyday situations
    • Increased confidence in using English

    Intermediate Level (Intermediate)

    Description: Students at this level can use the basic structures of English more confidently and can strengthen their expression in the language. They have a wider vocabulary and can express their personal feelings and thoughts on intellectual and emotional topics. They can effectively use English in secretarial and managerial positions.

    Key Skills:

    • Strong command of grammar and vocabulary
    • Ability to express complex ideas and opinions
    • Increased fluency in spoken and written English
    • Confidence in using English in a professional setting
    • Upper-Intermediate Level (Upper-Intermediate)

    Description: Students at this level can communicate quickly and accurately. They are at the stage of being able to express and discuss their ideas with confidence using good grammar and a wide vocabulary.

    Key Skills:

    • High level of fluency and accuracy
    • Ability to participate in discussions and debates
    • Confidence in using English in academic and social settings
    • Strong foundation for advanced language study

    Advanced Level (Advanced)

    Description: Students at this level can speak and understand in detail on a variety of topics. They encounter little difficulty when reading newspapers and magazines. Their language is fluent.

    Key Skills:

    • Native-like fluency and accuracy
    • Ability to express complex ideas with precision and nuance
    • Strong understanding of cultural and linguistic nuances
    • Confidence in using English in any situation

    Please note: These levels are a general classification used to assess students’ English language skills and place them in an appropriate program. More specific language goals and learning objectives may be found within each level.
